The Badminton Bible


All original content copyright © Mike Hopley

Privacy policy

Home > Privacy

When you use this website, we collect some information about you. This page tells you what we collect, and how we use it.

We also have pages on how we keep the website secure, and in particular how we keep credit card data safe.

Personal data

We only collect personal data that is essential for providing the service.

If you have an account with us, then we store your email address. That is the only personal data we keep.

If you change your email address with us, we also keep the previous ones. This is so we can help customers who accidentally lock themselves out of their account.

How we use your personal data

We only use your personal data to provide the service. We never share your personal data with third parties (unless we are required to do so by law, which has never happened yet).

We do need to send you emails sometimes, such as when you are resetting your password. When you change something about your account, you can expect an email.

We may occasionally send you other emails too, but I promise it will be rare. We will not add you to a newsletter unless you specifically asked for it.

Other data

If you paid us by card, we also store the last four digits of the card, and its expiry date. This is to help you manage your account.

We use Google Analytics to collect anonymous traffic data. This does not include your email or any other personal data.

We also store a few other bits and pieces, such as preferences that you chose for this website.

How we store your data

Important data lives in a database

Most data is stored on our website’s database (which is like a big spreadsheet). The database lives on a computer in London, owned by our web host, Digital Ocean. This is where we keep your email address.

We make regular backup copies of the database. We store these on Amazon S3, on a computer also located in London.

Some data lives in your browser, in cookies

We store some data in your web browser, in small text files called cookies. For example, we use cookies to store website preferences (such as your playing hand) and temporary stuff to make logins work (these are called session cookies).

We also use HTML5 local storage for some of your data. This is basically the same thing as a cookie, just more modern.